Hello World
This is the story of how I got from music into being a professional software developer at Sony. I think this is an important story for me to tell in order to let you know that I didn’t just go from 0-100 overnight, and that it didn’t always feel like everything was going to work out. Hopefully, if you’re going through a rough spot, know that this is only part of of your journey. You’re just getting started! Work hard to go towards your goals!
Starting Point #
- Working on music
- Starting to look at online courses, iphone apps
Join Honey #
- Imposter syndrome
- Living with my grandma
- Exploring opportunities in music, code
- Moving into a closet
Bootcamp Interviews #
- Interview at Hack Reactor (fail)
- Interview at Hack Reactor live (fail #2)
- Interview at Makersquare (woot!)
All-In #
- Starting the bootcamp
- I actually don’t suck! :o
- 9-9
- Working with a group of highly motivated people is awesome
Learning to Teach, Interviews #
- Applying to all the jobs
- Interview at Chase (yikes)
- Interview at Sony